Sunday, March 29, 2009

Time marches on

This is really for all you mothers out there. You dads can read too, but you may not "feel" what I do. :) Do you remember when you child was born? Does it matter how long ago that was? They could have been born 6 months ago or 30 years STILL remember it. You remember everything that happened, how they grew up, the cute things they said, how sweet they were (and sometimes how mischevious), etc.

For my oldest, Chris, I don't remember his birth because I'm not his birth mother. I am by today's terms his "step-mother", but I am his mom. I call him my bonus child. He came as a bonus when I married his dad! He has been "mine" since he was 2 and I wouldn't trade him for anything. I tell him he's my "favorite child I never had". :)

This past Saturday I had the privilege of taking our oldest to have his senior pictures made. If you know anything about me, you know I absolutely love pictures. I have them hanging/sitting all over my house and enjoy putting them in scrapbooks. I love the memories they bring back. I love being able, if only for just a moment, to go "back in time" and remember someone or something as it used to be.

Looking at these photos--and trying to pick out the best ones--brings back a lot of memories. It is amazing how fast he has grown from this cute little 2 year old who could carry on an adult conversation to a very handsome young man. Have there been bumps along the way? Sure! Everyone has those. But for a short moment, I can look at these pictures and stop time. I can keep him from growing up, but then imagine him with a family. I can look back in time to when he was young, but then see him as he is now. I can remember the difficult times, but also remember the good ones! You know what I mean!

The other sad part is knowing I have to do this 2 more times! Well, not really sad....I am so excited to see my boys growing into men! It has been a blessing to watch them change and learn. It will be difficult, each in its own way, but I'm excited about it too.

Today and every day thank God for your children! They are precious--even if they aren't little anymore. God cares about them as much now as He ever did. Mine need lots more prayer now they're older. They will have to fly from the nest soon. This is both exciting and troubling, but VERY necessary. If the mama bird didn't give those baby birds a push, they would never fly. So, give them what they need and give them back to God. He has only loaned them to us for a short time.

Dislaimer: To anyone who reads this who has lost a child by miscarriage or death, I do not wish to make you sad. God does only "loan" us our children. If you have pictures, remember them with those. If you don't, use the pictures He has given you in your mind. Either way, thank Him everyday for whatever time you had them.

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